
By BoydMcAdam

Literary exit

I was back at the Western General for a follow up to last month’s hospitalisation. I am feeling much better and while the inflammation has not reduced by much yet, all the other signs are favourable. Further check up in 3 months.

I called in to thank see the ward team who looked after me. I was discharged the day they were moving location and the new ward looks much fresher and brighter. So much so that I had to do a double take to find the exit doors which had been disguised as shelves of books,

On my way there I had to change buses and passed by the statues at the west end of Princes Street (See extra). In the Western General. - in an enclosed garden area - there was a different statue of Oor Willie but the doors were locked and the photo through the glass was not great. So you will have to be satisfied with this one.

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