If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Poinsettia ( Euphorbia pulcherrima )

Every year we have a Poinsettia as part of our Christmas decorations.  Clickychick will only buy them from Hayes Garden World Ambleside.  There is a good reason for this, exposure to clod can cause heavy leaf drop spoiling the appearance of the plant.  Most supermarkets and some garden centres place the poinsettia near the door to attract attention and subconsciously make you think "OOOH they're nice I'll get one".  With these plants there is a high risk of leaf drop.

Poinsettia are indigenous to central america and "flower" during short days hence their popularity at Christmas.  LIke many plants they are named after a person in this case Robert Poinsett the first USA minister to Mexico.

I have tried growing them on and getting them to show the rich red bracts for next year.  I have managed but the effort of giving short days from September on and the result don't make it worthwhile.

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