
By Mindseye

Youngest & his Dad

As you may recall my youngest son N is almost blind & doesn’t have a great deal of independence, but he manages brilliantly & still works, at the NHS call centre.

Over the years as his sight has worsened, he has gained weight. Luckily at 6’3” he could carry it, but not good for general health.

He & his wife took a semi conscious decision 4months ago to cut out “naughty stuff” & eat healthily. Resulting in a 42lb (20 kgs) loss for each of them.

Last time I saw N, before my fall, he had lost 19lbs. Imagine my pride when he sent me this photo of him with his Dad on Christmas Day, I’m so chuffed for him :-)

His Dad (my first hub of 13yrs) is waiting for a date for a triple by-pass he’s only 68, but it needs to be done soon. He recently married his partner of 10 years, my best friend B, who is N’s godmother and is now also his Stepmother:-) Yes I know….. you couldn’t write it lol

We are all on extremely good terms, life is too short. Something you come to appreciate the older you get.!

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