
By feorlean

On to year 15....

Those who run Blipfoto are good at reminding blippers about their formal anniversaries as year succeeds year.  I celebrated my 5000th back in May  (getting my red balloon) but of course - like official and unofficial birthdays - there are also personal blipping milestones that don't fit so neatly into those formulae.   

Today is one of those for me as it was on the 31st of December 2010 that I started to blip every day after a year and a bit of more occasional posting.   That means that 14 years ago today was the last day I didnt blip (allowing of course for the odd backblip.)

It also means that tomorrow I start on Year 15 of daily blipping and  consequently I got to reflecting this morning how much has changed in that time .

Not just in the world at large (things like Brexit which I mentioned often here given the work I did to try and stop it, alas unsuccessfully ) but also on this site.  On this day in 2011 I was encouraged to continue by Joe and Graeme, two of the site's founders who alas stopped blipping in March 2015 when the Polaroid deal collapsed.  A couple of weeks later I tabled a motion in the Scottish Parliament about Blipfoto  (and blipped it of course).   Fortunately - and thanks to some very enterprising volunteers - the site was saved and continues in the ownership of its members.

I miss some things about the old dispensation  - for example the availability of the books which collected a year's entries together.  I have those up until 2013 and I would love to have carried on physically  marking time in that way.   The loss of the automatic Twitter link (another thing for which  to blame Ellon Musk ) cut the number of visits to my journal significantly , given that I did tweet a lot.   Now however I occasionally put the day's link up on Blue Sky , which is a much more enjoyable form of social media, but which doesn't have - for me at least - the same reach.

But all in all I am still very grateful to those who worked to save Blipfoto almost a decade ago and who still put so much time and effort into it.   I am also grateful to those who go on supporting by subscription and posting here.  

I don't visit other journals as much as I might but I do interact with some people fairly regularly  and I have introduced  to the habit quite a few who are still here .

Outside today  was , again, grey , wet and windy.    The roads are flooded in places and my  picture is from Strachur where we passed through on our way to lunch with friends.   

As for tomorrow and the start of another blipping year - well who knows ?    Chance and keeping my eyes open will no doubt take care of that, as it has done for 5221 days before.

Thanks for dropping by.....

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