The ending of another year is a good time to take stock, sort and dispatch material possessions. I don't find it easy to let things go but I'm aware of the need to clear the decks before - well, who knows what may come before this time comes around again.
I've discarded most of a box of broken crockery but I chose to repair these two items with kintsugi mends. I'm not very good at it but I'm not a perfectionist.
The jug on the left comes from Dunquin right at the far tip of the Kerry coast in Southern Ireland - oh 50 years ago? The colours speak of the shingly shore, the sky, the sea, the land.
I don't recall the provenance of the small pot on the right but I like the way that the new gold seams resemble a bare branched sapling.
Overhead, the huge ash tree that has stood beside the house since long before we arrived is stricken with disease.
Just one of the many things in our world that cannot be mended.
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