Big Hill

By bighill

Day 1.

It is almost the end of 2024 and like a lot of folks i am starting to reflect on this past year,   It has been an interesting year for me, with so many wonderful events and happenings.   I've been listening to one of my favourite artist podcasts, Nick Wilton, Art2life, this morning.....and it has given me a bit of a boost - to get myself going again with my art practice.  
The past few months have been challenging with chronic pain i have been experiencing in my back....the past 2-3 days feels like i've turned a corner perhaps with the healing!   It isn't hurting very much, still get some sharp hits when i bend but definitely improved.   Trying to get back into the groove of noodling, painting...playing and creating, so i am committing to doing something with my art practice, every day, starting today and going for 30 days! Nick's advice is to get some momentum going, and an important part of keeping the momentum going is recording your work each day.   He suggests taking a photo at the end of a session, even if it was only for 10-20 minutes, and post on instagram, and talk about whatever you are doing.  So i started today.  I only noodled here for about 20 minutes but it's a start and i wanted to strike while the iron is hot so to speak!

Interesting to see this day last year....similar thoughts!!!

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