
By tridral

Hen ffermdy mewn stryd maestref

Hen ffermdy mewn stryd maestref  ~ An old farmhouse in a suburban street

“To look at something as though we had never seen it before requires great courage.”
― Henri Matisse

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Cerdded yn fore gynnar yn bleser mawr ad roeddwn i'n hapus cerdded ar saith o'r gloch y bore 'ma Roedd hi'n dawel a thywyll ac rydw i'n hoffi'r ddau beth hyn. Roedd y sŵn mwyaf uchel yr adar a'r golau mwyaf disglair y goleuadau stryd a'r goleuadau Nadolig. Roedd y tywyllwch yn goleuo wrth i mi gerdded, a gwnes i werthfawrogi dros yr Ystum Taf (Llandaff North) lle roedd y rhandiroedd yn atgoffa i mi o dir fferm yr Almaen.

Ar rhai o'r strydoedd mae rhai o dai gyda ni ar ongl i wedill y ffordd. Mae'r rhain, rydw i'n meddwl, yw ffermdai, lle mae'r ffermydd wedi hen fynd i adeiladu tai. Mae rhannau o'r tŷ hwn yn edrych henach na gweddill y stryd. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod os rydw i'n gywir, ond mae'n edrych y ffordd yna i mi.

Gyda'r nos, aeth Nor'dzin a fi i'r cae i chwilio am 'geogelc' hwnnw. Roedd dau ohonyn nhw ar y map. Ffeindion ni un. Rydyn ni'n mynd i geisio eto diwrnod arall. Mae'n ddiddorol chwilio am drysor wedi'i greu gan rywun arall. Mewn ffordd mae'n atgoffa bod popeth yw trysor - hyd yn oed hen ffermdai mewn strydoedd maestrefi.

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Early morning walking is a great pleasure and I was happy to walk at seven o'clock this morning. It was quiet and dark and I like both of these things. The loudest noise was the birds and the brightest light was the street lights and the Christmas lights. The darkness brightened as I walked, and I appreciated the Ystum Taf (Llandaff North) where the allotments reminded me of German farmland.

On some of the streets we have some houses at an angle to the rest of the road. These, I think, are farmhouses, where the farms have long gone to build houses. Parts of this house look older than the rest of the street. I don't know if I'm correct, but it looks that way to me.

In the evening, Nor'dzin and I went to the field to look for that 'geocache'. Two of them were on the map. We found one. We're going to try again another day. It is interesting to look for a treasure created by someone else. In a way it's a reminder that everything is a treasure - even old farmhouses in suburban streets.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : : Tŷ yn yr Eglwys Newydd sy'n edrych henach na gweddill y stryd. Efallai fod yn arfer bod ffermdy, amser maith yn ôl. Mae gyda fe goleuadau Nadolig, o gwmpas llwyn ac i fyny i'r drws blaen.

Description (English) : A house in Whitchurch that looks older than the rest of the street. Maybe it used to be a farmhouse, a long time ago. It has Christmas lights, around a bush and up to the front door.

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