Spider In A Blue Tits' Nest
When I, rather clumsily, enlarged the hole in the nesting box that my nephew made I damaged the wood of the front panel. It has now split. I took the box down this afternoon intending to mend it with a strip of Gorilla tape inside. I use this tape for mending everything. Our house is held together with it. :)
The light was fading so I took the box into the kitchen. I removed the lid and was about to put my hand inside and pull out the old nesting material when I spotted the above. I think it is noble false widow spider. These came to the UK from the Canaries in banana boxes in the 1800s. They are the most venomous spiders in the UK but are unlikely to bite unless they are accidentally handled. Their bites can be as painful as a wasp stings. Once I'd taken her pic, lit by my head-torch, I put the box outside and am hoping that she will be gone by the morning. It was sort of a shame to have disturbed her in the cosy nest made by the blue tits using Mish's fluff.
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