Change to a new electricity supplier today, a Dutch company called Tibber who charge you the price on the German/European electricity spot market plus a small fee.and a low monthly standing charge.
Means you take the risk of unlimited high prices when wind not blowing or sun not shining, but also the advantages when the price fall to zero or even negative. Slight problem in Germany, when price is negative you still have to pay taxes and surcharges on kilowatts consumed, so pricepaid is never under €0.19/kWh.
Given we have PV and don't normally need any electricity from April to September, it's not a problem for us.
For it all to work, one needs a true smart meter and Germany is ni further advanced in installing these as rural Ethiopia. I think about 1%! Simply incredible. Law will come in 2025 to change this but it'll still take ages. We are at least lucky to have a digital meter (many still have the revolving disc type) fitted in 2017 when we got PV. Tibber provide a little round gadget that can pick up the consumption on a second by second basis. It's attached via Bluetooth to our router. Tibber publishes prices for the following 24 hours at midday and one can then plan good times for washing machines, EV charging etc.
See how it goes
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