By greengirl


Not a cheerful photo, I’m afraid. This was the sight that met me when I set out on my walk today. Only a couple of hundred yards from the house. Someone has done up their bathroom and dumped the rubbish in a layby. The council tip is only 5 miles away :-(

The local farmer came and took some of it away. I had to call him out later because some sheep had become tangled in brambles in the field next to our driveway. I would have tried to rescue them myself but they had horns and were in a panic.

I’ve spent quite a bit of today reminiscing about our visits to Ethiopia. The local camera club have asked me to give a talk about  my work with Facing Africa (and also about Blipfoto) in a couple of weeks’ time. It all seems so long ago and far away on a dreich day like today.

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