
By BoydMcAdam


Our son gave me (with a bit of a hint from me) a new garden fork. My old favourite one has been missing for a while and despite its yellow handle is nowhere to be found. I fear I buried it by accident when shifting soil.

Today was the day to use it for the first time. Or as my father used to say, to handsel it. (Or hansel it).

And it was a great day to do so. Almost spring like weather with the soil just cool and not cold. It allowed me (over 5 hours) to tackle and clear the front garden of weeds and the garlic which was beginning to become rampant. Some years ago I planted garlic amongst the roses: apparently it keeps greenfly away. However I did not stop it from seeding and I am now suffering the consequences. Some of the bulbs are deep down - 9+ inches so getting them out is often a challenge. The new fork was very effective. Some bulbs remain and some spring bulbs may need a year to recover. But a satisfying day.

For much of the time I was joined by a robin. It was delighted that I was turning the soil and exposing lots of food. I managed the attached as the light was beginning to fade. Hopefully I’ll get another chance ere long to photograph it.

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