Last night there was a hard frost, that melted the moment the sun's rays hit it. For lunch we went for lunch at "Léon de Bruxelles", a Belgian themed restaurant near Valence. The food - mussels in various forms with chips and desserts - was good, as can be expected in France, even at a franchise restaurant in a retail park.
Afterwards A went back into Valence to take her niece to the cinema, and I updated my diary. Having eaten well at lunchtime, I'd have skipped the evening meal, but A's sister, husband and daughter came round. After a simple soup, we moved on to ravioles (ravioli stuffed with cheese) with cheese, then pork and turkey pie (from Scotland), and more cheese, finishing with more of the Christmas bûche.
Daughter K and I return to Scotland tomorrow: I won't need to eat for a week!
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