3 Years Later!
1,095 posts equals 3 years of Blipfoto. I'm sitting in the little kitchen of my gorgeous house and marvelling at the fact that so much has changed since I started posting this time round. It's lovely being able to share a photo every day, as a marker in time, to look back on in years to come.
3 years ago, I'd just had Little Man and was waiting to hear about where we'd be moving to, whilst living with Little Man's English grandparents. Little Man's father is in the British army and was due to be posted to the military base in Stafford. We didn't know how long it would take for army housing to be provided (it took about 4 months after he arrived there).
2 years ago, we were visiting Little Man's grandparents and had been living in Stafford about 10 months, with another 3 years to go before a potential move was due. The time in Stafford was pretty dark for my mental health, due to a toxic home environment.
1 year ago, Little Man and I were living with my parents, after having fled an abusive home situation in England. I won't go into that too much on here. I was three months into my healing and it's fair to say that I'm still on the road to recovery.
Through all we've been through, Little Man has been an angel. Albeit a cheeky one at times. He's a happy, contented child and is so much fun to be around. I love being his mum.
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