
By gennepher

A fall...

Last night I had a fall.

My fault.

I should not have gone out after dark in my back garden.

I had been out earlier when it was light to put something in the potting shed. And I knew the path was clear to the potting shed.

By 9:00 p.m. I changed my mind and I thought I'll go and get it back indoors again. Only, unknown to me, the badgers I presume, had undergone a reorganization all the way along that path in the early hours of evening, moving branches from where I have put them to across the path. It seems they thought they were beavers and were trying to block the path with wood.

I am flying forwards, going into my Aikido roll. Let my crutches go flying. And I execute a perfect roll, except that the badgers have created another obstacle in the path so I fall before I could finish the complete roll, but my head is protected, my hands and wrists are protected, my chest and ribs are protected - all the really important things are protected.

I had promised after my last fall to have always had my phone on me. But I didn't, it was in the bungalow. The other thing I had done was to put garden chairs all the way around the path so if I fail I had something I could pull myself up with. Only problem was I had moved a couple of the chairs to store something on.

I didn't have a light on me (because my hands are on my crutches, and because well it's simple walking from the bungalows to the potting shed on a path to the potting shed which was clear a few hours earlier).

And I fell on the patch of earthstar fungi, so I think I have destroyed quite a few of those.

I spent the next few minutes trying to negotiate with my body the best way to get up from the ground. First attempt failed, gave myself a few more minutes tried again and only just made it.

Got inside. Change of clothes first because I was muddy, and I'm probably covered in fungi spores...

I lathered the painful areas with witch hazel...that helped

Then I realize the main thing which probably saved me from scrapes and injuries, were those holey rubber mats which I have on the entire path which circles my garden, and I also have them in front of my swing. They are covered in autumn leaves, and they all need sweeping, clearing, and tidying up, but the mats still protected me, and they are pretty thick...

The badgers have rearranged some of them, so that is my next project to sort out those mats, when I feel up to it....

So, I am still here to mither you for another day....

....By the way, this idiot has a head torch...on a beanie hat. Did she put it on? No she did not ..

I have well learnt my lesson there. I do regularly recharge those beanie head torches, and had just recharged one. I have 2. I think I need one more and pin or attach one to each of my 3 doors to the outside world with a note saying "DARK? Wear this!!!"

I don't know how many lives I have but I have definitely used more than the nine lives of a cat. Someone (the Creator ?) gave me a bumper set of lives (bottomless pot of lives) since before I was born....

Nighttime Wildlife video
I took the Christmas lights down because I thought they might be affecting the wildlife
Badger Willow foraging around...

Same video on TikTok

Creative....a Laboscope kaleidoscope of my thermos which is now empty and I need to get up to make more...and lunch, which will have to be in the microwave because the thing I actually fry & cook lunch in has just gone west... so I ordered another one which will come in tomorrow, today is microwave! The green is my water flask.

I stayed in bed this morning because I do hurt when I move around, although there are no external bruises, usually I am black and blue and yellow after a fall... knowing how to roll, and those thick rubber mats on the path, and the Witchhazel helped a lot. It actually began as an absolutely perfect roll, it was just I encountered something else on the path that had been moved and left by the badgers which interrupted my roll.

So I will continue to move today when I can and then rest in between and hopefully no bruising will develop, it has usually started by now so maybe I'm extremely lucky.

You have a good day, take care of yourselves.

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