
By Jackyt

Boxing day fun with the family

I couldn't believe how well behaved my girls were today in the woods. In the 23 yrs I've been walking in my local woods there have been pheasants, rabbits, squirrels and occasionally a deer, but I have only seen sheep once when a tree came down and damaged a fence. This morning we suddenly happened upon a dozen sheep deep in the woods, I immediately called the dogs who had both stopped and were looking at them and they turned and came straight back to me to have their leads put on. We slowly walked past the flock so as not to spook them all was well.
Went over to my sister's to enjoy boxing day with the family, after lunch we went for a walk on Bodmin moor to explore an adit my sister knows about and show the Italian side of the family an old engine house. It was quite a short walk for us, but the younger Italian said he had never walked so far!?!

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