Keith B

By keibr

Blue Sky and Crackers

We were out for a walk today and noticed this plane, and vapour trail above us. It was a military plane, heading east to west. The regular planes are all travelling on a N-S axis.
Above our heads the dead straight white  trail suddenly jiggled, so up there the air was suddenly turbulent.
There was a previous trail dissolving away high in the sky, and when this plane was disappearing over the western horizon another plane was appearing on the eastern horizon.
Years ago I was teaching English at the officer training school and nearly all their military experience was gained on simulators. This was because flying the planes, or firing the guns, was expensive. (Every time a large shell was fired out of a large gun it cost the same as running a nursery school for a year!)
Now we notice 4 military jets going over - that's a lot of nursery schools that haven't been built!  But it is a reflection of the times we live in. The Ukrainian war is only 1 country away from us, and the priorities of the Swedish government reflect that.
On a lighter note I baked sourdough seed crackers today. Jan had suggested they would be good for the coming visitors and it was fun  to resurrect the recipe and give it another go. Part of the baking process is a sacrificial crust, the cm around the edge which bakes fastest and can be picked off before the rest gets a final few minutes in the oven (extra). Most of those edge pieces were eaten before the "real" crackers had finished cooling down.
(There's also yesterday's backblip - more saffron buns.)

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