Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Caerketton and Allermuir Hills

It's quite nice to wake up on Christmas Day at a civilized time. While the two youngest still live at home, there are no more 6:00am alarm calls. We enjoy a leisurely breakfast, then wait for twin 2 to emerge before making the Bucks Fizz and opening presents. No TV, just the better Christmas pop songs playing in the background. It's quite mild for the time of year, though I would prefer some seasonal weather.

After lunch, which consists of homemade soup with posh sourdough bread, my partner and I go out for an afternoon stroll. The weather isn't as bad as it looks in the photo. Clouds are dissipating as they get carried over the Pentland Hills. There is blue sky to the left, it's just not in the shot.

We have our Christmas dinner in the evening. The twins have their own drink preferences these days, so the prosecco is just for my partner and me. The only Christmas television we watch is Doctor Who.

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