Beginning to wonder if it will be worth it
Up with the lark because Mrs. Ottawacker and Ottawacker Jr. were going to get their hair done. So, made some coffee and then settled down to continue with the sending of e-mail Christmas wishes. I am so against electronic Christmas wishes – but there is, for this year at least, no other way. Well, there is, I suppose. Someone from the UK was telling me earlier in the week that their neighbours had gone to visit family in Mumbai and had taken the whole street’s Christmas cards with them to post. Sending a letter from Mumbai to anywhere is a fraction of the price of sending it from the UK to the person living next door. Love it. I drove down to the USA last time there was a proper strike (around 2011, I think) – but as I am currently boycotting everything to do with our neighbours to the south, I’m not spending a cent there again.
Anyway, five minutes after I’d finally settled down to send some, they are back. The hairdresser had double-booked and so couldn’t take them. However, she is going to drive Mrs. Ottawacker to the salon tomorrow at 7:15 and do her there. At that time, Ottawacker Jr. will be playing football, so it’ll have to be the basin and garden sheers for him again… You think I am joking.
Being up and ready to go, they both went out again, this time for the grocery shopping. Flushed with success and finding Loblaws empty at 8.15, they came back… and promptly went out again. You see the pattern? Back by noon, we had lunch. And then, in the p.m., Ottawacker Jr. had soccer practice out at Louis Riel in Gloucester, so Mrs. Ottawacker took advantage to drop him off and then go to do some further shopping in Navan. She is embracing the Christmas spirit fully…
Couldn’t help but notice that Mrs. Ottawacker and Ottawacker Jr. are fast approaching the same size.
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