Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

White Light, White Heat

If the Velvet Underground played klezmer they might have sounded like Kroke. That's what one critic said and it's a pretty good description of this Polish band's musical style. Their name is Yiddish for Krakow and their music is firmly rooted in the Jewish folk style known as klezmer but they also draw on other folk musics from around the world as well as classical and jazz elements - and they love collaborating with other musicians.

Here's Jerzy Bawol, the band's accordion player, during their WOMAD set with Mongolian singer Urna - a fascinating mash-up and just the thing to soothe the soul after a long, hot drive. The traffic was gridlocked most of the way down to Malmesbury from Liverpool, making what should have been a 3 hour drive last well over 5 hours... Harrumph!

It was well worth it though.

More back blips will follow once I get my act together!

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