
By TexMama


I was walking past a house the other day with one of those lovely wooden play-sets in the garden, and I wondered why we had never invested in one....my poor children!
But tonight as my kids, and the boys from down the road, clambered up on the roof of the chicken coup waving sticks at imaginary enemies, and explored the top of Mr Tex's shipping container it occurred to me that we don't need a play-set...silly me :0)

Last nights camp out started out wonderfully. We had left the outer piece off the tent so we could see the stars and catch the breeze and as the air cooled down it was lovely in our tent. I fell asleep and slept really well until the roosters started up (it was before 5 for sure). After that I dozed and tried to ignore their annoying noise. I woke up some time later aware that there was a light rain falling on my face...took me a while to figure out why it was raining in my bed .... Then I considered pulling the blankets over my head and going back to sleep...but looking up through the tent roof I saw a huge dark storm cloud approaching (really?). So the kids and I gathered up our stuff and ran, sleepily, to the house. We threw our blankets down and went back to sleep on the floor while it thundered and rained outside :0)
Our tent now has an inch of water in it....oops!

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