The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Leave A Light On

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was in my happy place doing Christmas baking today. We have mini mince pies, shortbread* (and Christmas popcorn, a lot of which were eaten before even making it off the cooling rack!

The Youngest Mini Princess came back this afternoon and we all headed to the light show at the Botanic gardens. Mulled wine, music and magical lights. It’s enough to melt Scrooge’s heart. So Christmassy.

EMP pointed out some lit up swans.

“They’re not real birds,” clarified YMP helpfully just in case there was any confusion!

Everyone is home now. Christmas has officially started. Mince pies and chocolate are now perfectly acceptable options for breakfast and the only clothes needed are pyjamas and Christmas jumpers.


*and laughed remembering Lil Dude eating the shortbread dough last year!

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