
By OldTimer

Hospital Christmas Tree

A good part of my day up and down to the hospital and to the care home picking up bits for Gay. She has not improved more investigating to be done so hope they do it before they send her home.
Her brother had his hip replaced this afternoon has come through it but is in intensive care
5pm I went to the most delightful Christmas play. You should have seen Angel Gabriel at least six foot six if not more. One other angel was almost as tall and then some little tiny kids. I tell you it was priceless but really meaningful intermingled with the real old carols.
It put a good end to a stressful day. Came home and scraped the new potatoes, trifle made. I have to be out at my sons by midday. That gives me time for spending time at the hospital in the morning
Wishing all my blip friends a peaceful and Blessed Christmas 

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