Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Present Christmas

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Caro and me don't really do Xmas presents. Basically because we both have everything we want. 

I mean, Caro will sometimes buy me a t shirt with a cat on it. I can never have enough of those. But that's pretty much it. 

As for me, I know Caro loves a mini cupcake. So a few weeks ago I ordered these to be delivered today. 

It's nice. It's something she really wants, it's genuinely Xmassy and it gives her something to eat while she watches all the Xmas telly.

Plus, I do not have to engage brain at all. Win win.


p.s. And yes, I got them last year as well. I am nothing if not predictable.

p.p.s. Punky continues to be "whiskers forward" and showed more signs of improvement today. 

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