Sweet little Pine Warbler
I put a couple of bird feeders up about 3 weeks ago. We now have a variety of birds visiting us, besides the larger wading shore birds we see daily here on the river. Besides the Pine Warbler, here's a list of our visitors to the feeder, or eating seeds off the ground below the feeders.
House Finch
Northern Cardinal
Mourning Dove
Tufted Titmouse
Brown-headed Cowbirds
Common Grackles
Red-winged Blackbird
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Blue Jay
House Sparrow
Northern Mockingbird
Some of them, like the House Sparrow arrived in flocks of 10-15 birds. They didn't come to the feeders but ate on the ground. Every morning I toss some seed out for those ground feeding birds.
On one side of the feeders there's a medium sized Guava tree the birds use to have some cover before or after vising the feeder. On the other side there's a Pitch Apple bush with dense leaves close to the ground. I often see the birds go into the middle of it to get out of sight. We also have Bald Eagles and Red Shoulder Hawks in the neighborhood, so they have to watch out.
I filled Daisy's old steel water bowl with water, placed it next to the Pitch Apple bush and have seen birds stand on the edge of it and drink. When Daisy was with us and we had it filled for her, the birds would come to drink when she wasn't using it!
I'm keeping a list of these birds that come to the feeder plus the others we see in the Merlin Bird ID App by Cornell Lab of Ornithology. It is fun to keep track of what birds we've seen, a nice hobby for me. :0)
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