
By ayearinthelife

Supermarket Blues

You’d think the shops were going to be closed for a week, not just one day, judging by the queues in M&S today. The only positive thing I can say is that the queues are slightly shorter than they were yesterday!
But why are we subjecting ourselves to this misery for the second day running? Because when we were in there yesterday, half the stuff we wanted for Christmas was on its sell-by date. So we had to return today and, thankfully, managed to get the items we missed out on, but with a decent date on them this time. I think we’ll be able to cope with the shops being closed on Wednesday now!
We had our weekly PT session this morning because our trainer - understandably - didn’t want to work on Xmas Day (our PT is normally on a Wednesday). Didn’t stop him giving a “festive” theme to the session today though - 25kg weights or 25 reps in each set, that sort of thing.
Physically exhausted from that, and mentally exhausted from battling with the hordes of Xmas shoppers, we are planning on having a very quiet night in tonight!

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