
By SparseRunner


Today I was up rather earlier, and was chatting with (listening to) A's mother (T) when her health visitor arrived. That C is also my favourite of A's cousins made for a scenario where a three-way chat that was interrupted briefly by her taking T's blood pressure and pulse. C is also daughter K's godmother, so I also received the Christmas present she had brought.

After lunch, the main task for me and our daughters was to make the traditional Christmas log - from Speculos biscuits, soaked in strong coffee, and "mortared" together using buttercream. However the job was delayed so that И and I could have an hour-long, potentially lucrative business call with a US company. Although the form of their offer was unexpected, think it went well, even if it was a slightly surreal experience in the surroundings.

Now the log is being chilled in preparation for adding the chocolate ganache and decorations. Meanwhile my outing of the day was to collect two pizzas from the centre of Malissard.

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