Despite the uninteresting last-minute blip pic, I had a wonderful day. I met Caroline outside the supermarket, bought some alcoholic ginger beer and was ID'd. I admit that it was all I could do not to burst out laughing. The poor cashier realised his mistake instantly, probably from the look of disbelief on my face. What a result to be ID'd when I'm 38. Huzzah! I'm buying alcoholic ginger beer from now on. None of this sophisticated, ageing wine stuff for me.
Caroline (with her ageing wine) and I took my alcopop to the BBQ of two of the stallholders I work with at West Norwood FEAST. Their house is beautiful and shows what can be done with one of the Victorian places in West Norwood. As with their stall, the items in their home are perfectly curated and quirky. There are buttons and bells, age-old cupboards and sideboards, turn-of-the-century clocks and signs, and the garden is just a wonder. It even had a water feature with fish!
I had fun chatting to a host of wonderful people. The food was the poshest BBQ fayre I've ever had - gazpacho, then quinoa burgers, layered strawberry cake... AMAZING.
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