
By MumOf4Wildlings


These are just some.of the toys that the wildlings chose this morning to give away to people who are struggling at Christmas. They do this every year. I ended up getting 3 bin bags worth of stuff put out on my porch. And I bagged up some of lincolms clothes as someone asked if I had any spare boys stuff. Half of the stuff has been collected already.  I've got someone coming for the rest. The rule was that they don't sell it on and for people in need. 

It's been a day mostly in the house tidying upamd sorting stuff out. We did go and deliver nana Joan's gifts this morning.  

I'm heading to my in-laws when the wildlings go to bed so I can hopefully finish the wrapping and have Christmas eve night to chill i would however just like to go to bed. 

I'm not sure if anyone follows Rosemarie55 but she's been absent on blip since the 5th and she would post everyday.  I have left a comment on one of her friends bliss and have asked blip themselves if they have her details.  I emailed her but no reply. Doesn't anyone know if she's ok.   

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