It's A Walk In The Park
This week I've been pretty lazy! Other than the marathon grocery shopping expeditions and big housework challenges before the girls' arrival I've hardly left the house/sofa!
Today I decided I really should make the effort.
After lunch, Grace went out to meet with her old school friends and Sophia stayed here to do Uni work and relax. Grace's friends can be a bit full on when they get together! Brian also went out to get his tree photo.
Sophia and I had a bit of drama in the form of Minstrel going from the window sill onto the shelves behind the Christmas tree and sitting on the Sky TV box. He proceeded to press buttons on the box and mess about with the tree. Attempts to make him get down were met with the cat version of swearing - no hissing though! In the end I walked out of the room, and he got down of his own accord and had a Zoomies session. The window cleaner arrived, so he capped off his mad half hour with a game of Chase the Chamois!
Brian arrived home - just after I'd had to pay the window cleaner of course! I got him to accompany me for a walk around the park so Sophia had some peace to crack on with her Uni assignment.
I took my main shot in there. It was very dull outside today, so I included the ladies and the little dog as a way of adding some colour to the photo.The extra was taken during the Minstrel Mayhem.
As we were leaving the park I had a call from Jeri. She and Paul were in the throes of delivering baking orders and they called in to drop off boxes of goodies for us, Zeph and a nice vegan selection for the girls. They look amazing!
Minstrel is now asleep on my lap, looking very sweet and innocent!
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