Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Cousins in the 'hood.

Five of some of my most favourite of favourite people in one shot!

Katie, my niece, 16 and thinking of medical school in between guitar strumming; her sister Lucy, 20, soon to be starting her final year at Uni on computer programming and game design (I think!) and a fantastic baker of cakes; their brother Josh, 22, just bagged a law degree and home from 6 weeks in America with his mates. And then Tess, 9, hallyracket flabbergaster personified and fresh home from wild camping up the Cairngorms with her Dad; and finally Sam, 11, friend to the wild beasties up the Cairngorms and, well, anywhere really, and someone that is completely unaware he hums constantly when he is at his happiest.

Had a different but good weekend, from badking in the glow if a Tiffany stained glass window to being on my own overnight in the house for the first time in 12 years and engaging in some spur of the moment changing rooms decorating into the wee small hours, to welcoming home the highland campers with homemade soup, a surprise visit from these guys to the cinema to see some Godzilla type robot mash up (we're cancellin' the apocalypse!) and Mexican meal to follow. Nae bad, nae bad at a'.

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