Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn


of the day. No idea but smashed from the inside. A crazy day with a haircut. Wanted to give a tip but could only do this with cash. €5 wasn't going to cut it. The bank machine across the street had been raided by the pensioner posse of my hood. M did have cash but was at home. After much backwards and forwards I managed to get the tip to the hairdresser. Got our bottles to the Pfand. Then tried to help our friends to get an urgent prescription. They found another way but it was extortionate. Tip of the day remember all your meds if you are going away on a trip. 

We walked across one of the markets by accident. There was an eerie feeling of deep melancholic sadness. The place was empty. There was a memorial for people who were killed there in an attack 8 years ago which was poignant. The more recent attack would have also been in people's thoughts. 

Our friends came for tea which was lovely. Berlin is a funny hub of people travelling through and we have seen more people than in a long time in Edinburgh. Especially old friends. 

Had the annual battle about wrapping paper. We don't have any so will have to use my suggestion which wasn't seasonal enough for M. Will cobble something together from the drawer. Have reached the stage of the season where I want to be stuck in a book but reality is packing, wrapping, card writing, house tidying, fridge emptying and bin taking outery. Also trying to avoid panicked thoughts of forgotten pressies which require urgent shopping in petrol stations, train station supermarkets or the ultimate horror department stores. 

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