Bach Fest
A busy day. I spent a lot of it shopping. First to local Jaya for food, and drink, for me. The bag was heavy walking up the road. I'd missed the Olivia/Wen brunch while Amelia was at gymnastics. So next up to 163 to buy more food but mainly presents. A long time in Toys 'r Us debating an expensive doll. The bag walking back up the road was even heavier. I should have bought the gin at the local Jaya.
Afternoon we all went across to TTDI, the other side of Bukit Kiara, for the children's show, Bach Fest. It was pretty good, music and stories and after some activities.
Home I was really suffering, the heavy bags and the seating at the venue had given me a really sore, tight lower back. I tried to do some stretching but eventually had to resort to brufen.
It was take out pizza for dinner. I was relieved when it was time to go home to my place and get back to AC and a beer, then bed.
It was the shortest day today (at 17.31) but it didn't have much impact. The daylight lengthens a bit and sunrise and sunset times change but very little. The main thing is the angles of the sun changes and is higher in the sky changing the sun on the pool.
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