There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Christmas Still Life with Cardinal and Tiger

The holidays are a time of miracles and surprises. On Friday morning around 9:15, we heard the doorbell ring. We looked out and what did we see but Santa Claus himself on our front porch, making a Christmas delivery!

We advised him to watch his footing on the front porch steps, which were frozen and quite slick from the snow and ice. And we thanked him and bid him farewell and safe travels, for we are betting he had many more stops to make!

Tiny Tiger took delivery of the package: a lovely holiday bouquet with a bright red cardinal on it. Tiny Tiger decided he needed to join the cardinal on the display (he's got a red ribbon on too), so here is our festive Christmas scene: still life with cardinal and Tiger!

Here's a big thank-you to my friend Karen, who sent us this lovely gift. We've never met in real life - though we've talked about it - but we chat it up on Facebook many days, showering each other with kind words, love, and support.

After all, isn't that what friends are FOR?

My soundtrack song is Andrew Gold, with Thank You For Being a Friend.

P.S. The delivery sparked marital conversation elebenty-three:
Husband: Honestly, WHO puts a tiny pitchfork on a flower arrangement? WHO?
Me: *head-desking to beat the band* Hon, that's where the CARD was that contained the greeting!

(Clearly HE has never sent - nor received - a delivery of flowers!)

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