A friend
This Blip is a little "wordy" compared to the usual countrified shots i enjoy taking.
Today this wooden canvas was delivered to my workplace.
A close friend and I have had many a conversation which puts this piece of minimal artwork very close to our hearts.
We've both been faced with decisions (which I know for a fact you will have been faced with too. Not the same ones, but the same...concept of decision making) that have required some quite gutsy actions which may not have happened if we had spent too much time contemplating their outcome.
These decisions have turned out to be the best ones we've ever made, regardless of any nerves we faced. We're far apart now geographically, but close as ever with our support in "leaps of faith" when we need those chats.
Sometimes it really is best to trust your gut. As long as you do your research first, and know that you won't be putting yourself or others at any harm or nasty risk, that little twinkle in your tummy which is whispering encouragement to you would do well not to be ignored.
Happy Monday everyone :)
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