
By Groggster

That Shop Called Destiny

Today we got up early to watch The Match Of The Day highlights with a couple of cups of coffee before heading out for a run just after 9 a.m. Feeling invigorated I then also fitted in a set of weights in our gym (in reality a freezing cold over cluttered garage) and my customary stretching routine - it seems to negate any later aches and pains from all those 'getting on a bit' joints and muscles.
So of course that means I deserved a treat and my brother had the ideal solution as he had just discovered the blessed news that our local (we do actually have two other pubs in the village  but one is a real ale hangout and the other is run by a well known curmudgeon so we don't count those!), The Chequers, has finally reopened after nine long months of closure.
So we strolled down just as the sun came out and as soon as we stepped over the threshold we had a lovely greeting from the new landlord and a smiley welcome from the barman. The pints were great too - it really did feel wonderful to be back! We just sat there drinking it all in in both senses!
I even got to compare beards with a jovial fellow patron just before we left - his was much more luxuriant, much better groomed and much less grey than mine and he did me a very polite favour by even considering mine to be in the same beard universe.
The winter light was still lovely when we reluctantly prized ourselves away from the warm and happy envelopment of The Chequers but we were still determined take the opportunity for a walk around the village and to try and capture our images for the day. 
I took several shots but for reasons I can't quite explain there was just something I loved about this image of the window of our local financial advisors - I think it's the mixture of the light and shadows, the lines of the blinds and the card with the silhouetted figure standing in front of a sunset with the accompaniment of the incongruous display of toy sunflowers.
The little card with the silhouetted figure is entitled Destiny with two pronouncements inscribed upon it - one philosophical and arguably poetic "study the past if you would divine the future" (Confucius) and the other utterly prosaic "past performance is no guarantee of future returns" (the Financial Conduct Authority).
I apologise as the title of today's blip is a bit of a misnomer as it isn't actually a shop and it's not called Destiny but I just went with the little card in the window and for any pop music lovers out there it's also a line, well o.k what I thought was a paraphrased one, from the wonderful Deacon Blue's song Dignity - so it doesn't really work on any level as it's neither a ship nor includes includes the word destiny (I'd managed to confuse dignity with destiny!) but it does include another line - "they'll ask me how I got her, I'll say, "I saved my money" " - so at least there's a financial connection! :-) I've tagged the song below anyway as it's what was playing in my slightly addled brain at the time - I blame my overexcitement at the resurrection of The Chequers!
The only downside to today was that I managed to sprain my ankle on the way home but the judicious application of some frozen veg seemed to reduce the swelling and I'm hoping this will not encumber any walks back down to our newly re-opened local! ;-)

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