Friday: Logging Off
Work-wise it was a very calm day, particularly as I was working from home. I joined the last departmental of the year, made slightly complex by the fact that my laptop speakers wouldn’t work so I couldn’t hear a thing. I had to follow along with captions which made no sense whatsoever. It was like watching a pirate DVD from a Chinese market (something I have first had experience of from my time in Beijing).
In exciting news, our friend Janice has arrived for a visit from Vancouver. She’s been travelling in Ireland and has now come to us for the holidays so we had quite the giddy catch-up this evening.
Oh yes, I nearly forgot I had something to share…………I realise that this is way more exciting for me than you. Some of you thought I was heading into early retirement - not quite, but I am taking a sabbatical. I logged off tonight and set my out of office for 2nd January 2026!
It feels quite surreal but also exciting.
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