
By JackyMT

Today is our 60th wedding anniversary

Dec 19th 1964 to 2024.

We have had a lot of laughs about the day,  like my friend telling me to sit down and I couldn't because of the many stiff skirts under the dress, so she lifted the dress up and stuffed a buffet under and said sit on that.

Then my mum insisted on packing some food for us to take on our honeymoon, and a flask of tea, then my new father in law decided we should have a flask of soup as well. No we weren't going on an expedition up the Amazon we were going to Blackpool. 

People had written things all over the car in lipstick, so half way there we stopped and spent ages trying to wash it all off with the tea, then we opened the pack of food mum had given us, only thing was she had put everything in the same bag, sandwiches, pork pie, sausage rolls, buns, cake, and they had all got mixed up. Still when you are hungry pork pie and cake stuck together tastes OK.

On arriving at the hotel which was on the sea front we parked outside as the manager said we could, and our room overlooked the sea, when we got up next morning and looked out of the window there was our little car festooned with the writing we hadn't got rid of the night before. So embarrassing.

On Christmas morning my lovely man gave me a beautiful diamante bracelet (I still have it today) and horror in all the wedding preparations, I had forgotten to buy him anything. Christmas Day Blackpool is there a shop open, so I went off for a little walk to get some fresh air I said, and I scoured the back streets till I found a little tobacconists open, I asked the owner if he had anything that didn't have "a present from Blackpool" written on it and we searched and searched till I found a wallet with space for keys as well, and the lovely man got some wrapping paper and wrapped it up for me.

We parked "Lilly" the car in a back street, and every day went and started her up as it was so cold and she was an old car, The engine was covered with a blanket too to keep out the frost, all was well until the day we were due to come home, Boxing Day, guess what, yes, she wouldn't start, The hotel manager rang a friend who had a garage and asked him to have a look at it, we had to push it to the garage and then spent the rest of the day sat on our cases in the hotel hallway. but he eventually got her going and we limped home.

I did suddenly think the other day, was I cruel to my mum to get married 1 week before Christmas. All the Christmas shopping and having to organise a wedding as well must have been a nightmare for her. I remember coming home from the hairdressers to find her in a flap because they couldn't find any teaspoons at the hall (they did in the end) then poor dad, she told him he had to carry white gloves and he said "I will drop them" so I said "just leave them at home, she will have forgotten by the time we get to the church, anyway she's hardly likely to shout where's your gloves is she".

Lots of funny memories.

We had a couple of visitors too today, Kirsty came this afternoon to collect her coats I had altered for her. Then Katie and her partner Luke called tonight, it was nice to see them, they have just moved into a house, actually it's her mums house that she has bought from her, and her mum has bought a smaller one not too far away nearer to her sons.
They had brought us presents and I gave them theirs, they are also taking Grace and Autumns for me as they will be seeing them at the weekend.

We didn't do anything special today as we have decided to have a celebration day in summer when it's warmer.

Thats it folks good night, sweet dreams

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