Lily Bloom...

I got speaking to one of the people I see regularly on the bus. My mind has christened her Lily Bloom after the main character in 'How the Dead Live' by Will Self. I usually find it easier to read a book if I have real-life reference to go with it and this lady fitted the description.

She's very talkative and is always chatting to whoever she is sat next to on the buses. I have actually gleaned a bit of information about her in from eaves-dropping on these conversations. This actually backfired on my slightly when I enquired about her cat to find it had to be put down about a month ago.

It was kind of nice as my first impression of her was of someone who had, over the years completely abused her body through various excesses. I knew she worked weekdays in Edinburgh which looks to be taking it's toll on her but found out that on Fridays (she was slightly coy about this, lowering her voice when she told me.) she actually gets a quick chippy so that she can get a few hours sleep as she then goes up to Dunfermline for a night shift working for the Samaritans.

A very nice lady who I hope to speak to again sometime.


Notes on the Picture
Bethany is becoming a brilliantly compliant model. She held this pose for me while I laboured getting the flash and camera set up to take around 6 frames.

Now I know you all prefer her interpretations over mine so you can see the Bethanised version here.

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