Handy man
Not G this time. I was taking a sneaky shot of Dave who does all kinds of work in one of the grocery stores. The other worker appeared with a "Super Tuesday - 10% Off" sign to add to the vegetable seeds. So I got a two-fer-one man at work!
Then when I got home, who was up on a ladder but G! The gutters were overflowing, and there he was in the pouring rain, cleaning them. Another dreich day, and I decided not to go out to take a photo of G on the ladder.
I posted a blip of the adventskalender in Straubing and I had asked Kalyn to let us know what was behind each date. She told me recently that it was the prize that was being drawn for on that date. Lots of good prizes, maybe she'll find out that she won one when she goes back to Germany after Christmas!
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