
By MerlotsDad

View from the back door...

It's all looking very green, even the brown bits of lawn are starting to turn following the rain we have had over the past couple of days. Today we are having regular scuds with the odd rumble of thunder..

Popped to work again this morning to be greeted with the words " I thought you'd retired" ! I think this is the new word for made redundant - sounds nicer doesn't it ? Last day in is Thursday.....its a scary thought now that it is almost here. Still I'm only in for 5 - 10 minutes to drop off the laptop, phone, blackberry, ID & reflective gear.

Done some gardening when I got home this morning, just a bit of cutting down etc. Brian managed to get out the apple tree stump out for me, so I have filled the hole & turfed / patched it over & got it nice and tidy.

May strip another door after lunch ...but we'll see, I don't want to over exert myself !


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