Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Javan Kingfisher

Identification - Halcyon cyanoventris - Javan Kingfisher.

I see this bird quite often, but this is the first time I have go close enough for a photograph. Usually I just see it in the distance flying away, but this time I saw it land. I slowly approached taking each photograph as if it was my last of the series. I had my camera set up at 250th, ready for the final in-flight pan shot. When the bird finally tired of me and flew, I heard the sickening sound of 'ker-clunk', I was still in aperture priority and the dark background commanded 40th sec shutter speed, resulting in a blurry mess.

Still, I now at least have recorded some pixels of the avian and have enough for a search. My initial Google came up blank, so for all the ornithologists out there, I am throwing this open to you. The bird has a distinct crow feel about it, maybe about the size of a jackdaw or small crow.

I have put a few more shots in folio for a more complete picture for you. It is a stunning bird, especially in flight.


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