Morning Routine

Ozzie is thinking..."only one more day..."
OilMan is thinking..."Ozzie wants my coffee..."
Rudy is thinking..."what is Ozzie hiding from me in his ear...?"

Dana's cats cats have been stuck in the house for a week and are desperate for attention. Sassy, the three legged cat does figure eights around your legs as you try to feed her. Her aim seems to be to impede forward progress in any way possible. It would be a bonus if she managed to bring you down. Perhaps if you were at her level you would pat her. Delilah, the timid grey cat actually comes out of her hiding spot in the closet when she hears us. Yesterday she sneaked up on OilMan as he opened the back door, shot outl like a rocket and disappeared. He went back last night and found her under a neighbor's car.

After crawling around on his hands and knees in the street for awhile, he finally succeeded in coaxing her out and putting her back in the house.

Meanwhile, Rudy, the "Little General" rules the roost at our house. He barks at anything that moves, he barks at us when he needs something (never mind that we have no idea what he needs) he runs away from us when he thinks the consequences might be dire for him and, being about the same size as Delilah is just as adept at shooting out the door when it is opened. He tips over wastebaskets and strews trash all over the place and if only we could predict what things he is going to chew up. When he gets tired he tips over and goes to sleep. Like a sleeping baby, he's really cute.

Even though he seems to have taken over settled in nicely, his family will be back tomorrow, and I know he will be overjoyed to see will we.

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