
By Ingleman

The Wrekin

Today I explored a new (to me) section of the Wenlock Edge, a limestone ridge that stretches about 18km from Much Wenlock down to Craven Arms in Shropshire. It is a varied landscape but features steep slopes on one side and rolling hills on the other. A common feature is the heavily wooded slope that often obsures the marvellous views but today I found a trail down to the valley bottom and enjoyed sunlit vistas all round.

My blip is a long lens view of The Wrekin, 407 metres in height (1335ft) and 17 miles distant from where I am standing. It is one of the more prominent hills forming part of the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. (Better viewed large?)

My walk is along the top of the Wenlock Edge, most of which is accessible using public footpaths, trails and bridleways. I have covered about half of it in total, taking bite size chunks when I have the time and don't have a deadline to keep to. I love exploring and scrambling through these ancient woodlands and grabbing the views that open up every now and then.

When I got home, I had to shower Hollie as she was mired in mud and needed to be cleaned and dried before being fed.

Then Mrs I and I luxuriated in front of the fire with tea and oven warm cherry scones. And bramble jelly.

Life is so hard sometimes, but someone, as they say, has to do it...

**I was tired and chose the wrong file. Correct file now uploaded to replace the original (too dark ) photo...

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