
By superrstine

Bad Sign

When you're rinsing your mouth under the faucet after brushing your teeth in the morning and water gets up your nose, you know it's not a good sign for how your day is gonna turn out.

I went to Micro Center yesterday to buy myself a new laptop since my Marist one is 5 years old and was about to kick the dust any second. They didn't have the computer in stock so I left, figuring I'd be back during the week and until then my old laptop would be just fine. Of course it wasn't. My computer would beep and show only a black screen this morning. It really couldn't have lasted me three more days?! I spent 2 1/2 hours on the phone with the company who does my online backup for them not to solve another problem and tell me our desktop has a virus. Two more lovely things.

At least I have this guy around to look adorable all the time.

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