
By Pencil_Me_In

Passing Time

This week I was at work as normal when into my in-box popped an email telling me I had been awarded a (significant) sum for long term service. After the cautious in me worried it was a scam and checked it, I found it was true! I took the very welcome gift in vouchers for a very well known online store and decided I would spend the lot immediately rather than let it tricky away over time and lose meaning.

Much of my spending naturally revolved around art (but please be assured Mr K got a few bits too) and I can safely say I have probably stocked up with good quality materials for years to come. 

So here I am, swatching  colours and really enjoying the moment. Just for icing on the cake of good fortune, the beautiful cup is a, very early, Christmas gift from Mr K and is made by the artist who first inspired me. Her name is Sarah and she had a YouTube series based around her home on the Isle Of Sky called She Walks She Paints. She no longer does the YouTube series as she now does a new one called Living The Sky Life with her partner. She still shows her work on the show.

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