It's all go here still. Things started well, with some baking and the last bit of laundry from my trip. I managed to move the previously edited photos into my main image library with their live edits still in place, all good. I popped to the local recycling centre and was feeling quite virtuous at this point of the day. After a trip to the supermarket I started preparing the gluten free Christmas Pud.
It was at this point I realised that I had forgotten to get the GF self-raising flour and some essentials for tonight's dinner - so Supermarket trip number 2 is coming up shortly.
In the meantime the Network Server has caused all sorts of problems with one of the discs in the array developing bad sectors and needing to be taken out. The server then had to be backed up "just in case".
So here we are mid afternoon, I need to go back out to the shop and I still haven't put up the Christmas Tree that is sitting waiting in the garage, all ready to go. It will all get done of course, and there's no need to panic about any of it, but it has rather eaten into such discretionary time for photography as might have existed. Hence this shot of the Red-faced Spinetail taken in the Mindo cloud forest region of Ecuador not so long ago!
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