
By dunkyc

Wise guy

I was anticipating quite a slow wind down and a leisurely canter into the Christmas period, but unfortunately my clients seem to have other ideas and have united together to send me all their queries at once to “you know, get it sorted before Christmas”.

I shouldn’t complain though. I have a job and it is keeping me out of trouble as the days whizz by.

Outside of work, together with my parents, I ventured down to the Parish Church (have I mentioned how wide it is?) for The Youngest’s school Christmas Carol Concert. As you might expect, it was very sweet and festive with the vicar making the most of the captive audience to sell the Christmas message. Can’t say I agreed with her message that the greatest Christmas gift ever was Jesus, she obviously never got the original Nintendo Game Boy. 

It was lovely though, The Youngest nailed her lines (without requiring a script) about the three wise guys and when the concert was done she came charging out and jumped up at me for a big hug.

The afternoon passed by very quickly and before long I was out with my BIL for a couple of drinks before retiring for the night.

VERY happy that the weekend has arrived!

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