
By Croft16

Highland Gathering..

..for Cath's 90th birthday. She flew up from Luton to Inverness a few days ago with her sister Betty. Staying with G's brother D and his wife L.

Drove down today through pouring rain for the party, with it brightening up just as we arrived. A nice quiet lunch, followed by a sit around looking at old photo's. Went out to the garden several times to exercise Tanni. D and L inherited a wonderful garden from the previous occupants. Full of fairly mature trees and shrubs, but it is a big patch to look after. Beds have Horse tail, equisetum, in them, quite a difficult weed to get under control. Also lots of seedling trees (must go back when they're hibernating and dig some up for the croft windbreaks!!

Walked around several times during the day with Tanni as she wasn't allowed in the house, had to put her in the back of the car in case she scratched the paint on the doors..

Left after tea, did a quick shop in Tesco's, and back to Scourie, leaving G with her mum. They'll come up later in the week.

Nice to see our son A, and his girlfriend K. They've been walking around Letterewe a Loch maree for a few days..

my brother shares his birthday with Cath, he's 64 this year, so this is for him..

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