Safely home, the day has largely been taking up with trying to sort out the accumulated laundry that nearly 4 weeks of travelling inevitably results in. I've also found time to get a much needed haircut and to buy the Christmas tree. In all of that, I've not had much time for taking pictures. I do however have a fraction under 31,000 images from the trip, all of which are now safely on the computer system at home.
I've not begun the process of triaging the images. there are going to be a large number of very similar images, of which today's blip of a Cinnamon Flycatcher is an example. I have about 30 shots of the bird, but only in a few is it showing its beautiful yellow crest. It was taken through a "window" in the vegetation which has created the rather nice soft focus frame for the bird.
When I do get down to the images that I want to keep, I've also got the job of labelling each one with its correct species name. It's a nice job to have over the next few months.
I won't make a habit of back blipping shots from the trip, but I thought you might cut me some slack today.
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