The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

The gathering storm

Here we see brokenbanjo standing on the mudflats at Blackstone Point with Gus performing his sheepdog role trying to keep control of Lily the 4 month old cocker spaniel and Princess, the Yorkie. Gus had no chance with these two mudhounds, and all he managed was a very muddy belly. Still it shows he is back on form after his illness. It seems he had some sort of infection, and the antibiotics are now clearing it from his system.

It was good to fit in a walk with BB this evening before the rain came, we only just made it back to the cars before it started to bucket down. Otherwise, after the Shuttlers left this morning, Wifie and I have had a quiet day of rest.

A year ago - the two fellas and Wifie were sheltering from another shower.

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